An Exploration of


Wild Beauty

We often think we are the ultimate possessors of knowledge, the rightful arbiters of good and bad. Yet when we immerse ourselves in the untamed wildness of nature, this dichotomy naturally fades away; and if our lives are governed by the very laws of nature, does it not make sense to look there for wisdom? In the wild, the vultures feast on the deceased, predators kill as a means of satiation while simultaneously restoring ecosystems, and decaying matter births new life. Through the lens of human notions, mind-created constructs, every act of nature taken in isolation is seemingly malicious, but are these very acts not vital to our endurance? The notion of landscaped beauty is a mere mental construct, planned and created by thought, allowing for the simplistic prevalence of the dichotomy of good and bad. Wild beauty becomes incomprehensible to the human mind that deals in shades of black and white. 

On Beauty

The Wanting

Beauty seems beautiful

only outside of itself,

once it becomes self-contained, 

it is no longer beautiful

It’s free

Maybe we were merely entranced

by the elegance of its existence,

the grace of its presence

by its enchanting imprints

left behind, etched in our consciousness.

Blown away

We yearned to be onlookers,

observers peering into an unassuming realm,

Reveling in possibility

rather than immersed in its being

We simply wanted the want

Craved the longing, the desire

More than anything it could deliver

Because the peaks eventually converged with the valleys

And we were back at our origination

How we would have loved to distance ourselves,

When that is the most impossible of tasks

Yet that was the beauty of potential

that was unleashed in me

Strangers, gazing upon beauty in the face

through a glass pane,

become entranced by appearance,

only to unveil her

And have her wither away.


In succumbing to the longings within me,

the deepest pangs of desire and want

I knew

that while they manifested externally

They unveiled a gateway, a portal 

to the boundless space 

within the core of me 

It was never a hunger for the beauty outside of me

It was longing 

for the beauty within me

The beauty within me that penetrated 

and was the essence

Of all that is

and all that is destined to be